On 30th August 2021, VKV Ramnagar celebrated Sri Krishna Janmasthami through YouTube Live Streaming. Principal of the Vidyalaya, Sri Bijan Saha greeted and welcomed all the Parents, teachers and students on this auspicious occasion. Parents actively took part in the celebration by lighting the lamps, offering flowers to Lord Krishna and singing Sri Krishna Astottara Satanam. The tiny tots of the Vidyalaya narrated incidents from the life of Sri Krishna. Ditipriya Chakraborty of class X performed Krishna Bhajan. Banhishikha Didi with her son Bigyasish Sinha of class X presented a segment of Sri Krishna Ras Lila. Students performed a skit narrating the ideal friendship between Sri Krishna and Sudama. Ram Sir in his speech narrated the divine deeds of Lord Krishna.The programme concluded with Shanti Mantra.
Moments of Janmasthami celebration |
Moments of Janmasthami celebration |