VKV Ramnagar celebrated World Sanskrit Divas on 27.8.21 through Google-Meet . The programme started with lighting the lamp along with chanting of 'Deep jyoti mantra ' by Bibhah Saha . Principal of the Vidyalaya, Sri Bijan Saha welcomed the Guest Speaker Dr Ranjit Kumar Tiwary ,a renowned scholar of Sanskrit and philosophy presently working as Associate professor , Department of traditional sanskrit at kumar Bhaskar Varma sanskrit and Ancient studies University at Nalbari. Along with him he welcomed Students, Teachers and Guardians in the programme.
Students highlighted the programme by their performances like , Saraswati Vandana Sanskrit Patriotic song , Significance of the Day,Shloka chanting with meaning , dance and Conversation. Dr. Ranjeet Kumar sir enlightened the participants with the vigorous richness of the Sanskrit language and praised platform like VKV who provide ample chance to learn the root language. Panchami Adhikari Didi proposed vote of thanks. The programme concluded with Shanti Mantra.