On 21st February 2017 , Utsarga and Matra Puja
was conducted for Class X. In the Program all the students of Class X washed
the feet of their parents and after
offering flowers to the portrait of
Swamiji they entered in the prayer hall. Sri Karunakanta Adhikari (Sanskrit Teacher of VKV
Borojalenga) was present there. Sri Shasanka Roy (Principal of VKV
Ramnagar) spoke about the importance of Matri Puja. After that the Ritual
of Matri Puja started where the students worshipped their parents. After that
parents shared their experience. Then next program Utsarga started. Class IX
students presented a song. Then Some students of Class X and Teachers of
Vidyalaya shared their memorable moments with students. Then they lighted up
the Diya and kept at the outline of India Map. After that from Principal Sir they received Gifts and Prasads. Program concluded with Shanti Mantra.
Moment of students worshiping their parents |
Moment of Parents and students parcicipating in Matri puja |