On September 5, 2023, Teachers' Day was fervently honoured at VKV, Ramnagar. The primary in-charge, Lipika Didi, presented a welcome speech. Srimati Shipra Rani Deb, the assistant headmistress of Biplabi Ullaskar School in Meherpur was the chief guest. The "Guru Strothram" was sung by the students, and they also paid floral homage to Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan's portrait and to all of the school's teachers. The two students' conversation served to emphasise the importance of the day. The school's mathematics teacher, Anamika Didi, gave a speech during which she emphasised the Gurukula system of teaching. In addition, the students planned a number of cultural activities along with power point on teachers.Students of class X discussed what it was like to attend class on the significant day.
Shipra Rani didi spoke about the impact of teachers on Students' lives.The program concluded with Shanti mantra.