The Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Ramnagar celebrated the National Youth Day to mark the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda as well as school's annual day. Every year it is celebrated on 12th January but this year it was observed on 9th January. Vkv Ramnagar wholeheartedly celebrated the event .The esteemed chief guest Dr. Dipendu Das Coordinator, International Collaborations Professor, Department of English Former Dean, SKC School of English and Foreign Language Studies & Former Head, Department of English, Assam University, Silchar, made the program even more happening with his gracious presence along with the parents and guardians of our students. The program started with Three Omkara followed by mangalacharan and the floral tribute by our respected Meera kulkarni didi, dakshin Assam pranth pramuk,our primary incharge Lipika Roy didi, Principal of Vkv Badarpur Sri Prashanta chakraborty sir and our respected chief guest Dr.Dipendu Das. Lipika Roy didi welcome everyone. The students of vidyalaya performed Vivek Geet .Dristantika sinha ,Adriti dey and Bibhab Saha, the students of our vidyalaya illustrated to the audience about the significance of the day. The program was continued with a number of heart warming cultural performances by the students such as drama on " Bireswar Vivekananda " , Tabla lohora by senior and junior students, Manipuri dance by the students of class IX. Sankar sir our computer teacher delivered a speech on the teachings of swami vivekananda and the significance of national youth day. Dr. Dipendu Das enthralled everyone with his valuable words.In his speech he quoted famous speech of Swami Vivekananda as "sisters and brothers of America" He further explained the speech managed to eliminate the difference between a person belonging to different nation and religion. He finally appealed everyone to live their lives with the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. Sanchari didi, the English teacher of our vidyalaya presented the annual school report highlighting the achievements made by the students in particular and the school in general throughout the session. Prizes were distributed to the students for the performance in co-curricular activities as well as in annual sports meet.The program concluded with Shanti mantra.
Moment of students performance |
Moment of students performance |
Moment of students performance |
Moment of students performance |
Guest delivering speech on the occasion |