On 26th December 2020, Samartha Bharat Parva and Gita Jayanti were celebrated at VKV Ramnagar Silchar. On this occasion, students of vidyalaya presented patriotic song. Gita Chanting was done by Bibhab Saha of Class VII. Ashima Bhattacharjee didi ( Music teacher of Vidyalaya) sang a song beautifully. Sanghita Dey (English teacher of vidyalaya) spoke on the significance of Samartha Bharat Parva. Smt. Panchami Adhikari (Sanskrit teacher of vidyalaya) delivered speech on the significance of Gita Jayanti.
Online Gita Chanting competition was also conducted for the students of KG to Class X.
Patriotic song presentation by the students of vidyalaya |
Miment of Gita Chanting by Bibhab Saha of Class VII |