Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated Online at VKV Ramnagar via Google meet . Various programs were conducted on 10th September for the students of KG to IV and on 14th September for the students of V to X. Sri Amarendra Chakraborty (Renowned Vocalist of Barak valley) and Smt Durba Deb (Assiatant Professor of Bengali department, Assam University) were present as Chief guests on the occasion. Ipsita Das from class IV and Kaushiki Bhattacharjee from Class VI sang Vivek geet very nicely. Leimba Lembi from Class III and Rittika Acharjee from Class IX performed patriotic dance. Swmai Vivekananda's Childhood story was narrated by Hridhiman Chakraborty from Class III . Patriotic song tune in Synthesizer was played by Swapnil Goswami of Class VII. Smt Madhumita Paul (Bengali Teacher of Vidyalaya) and Smt Mamoni Das (Hindi Teacher of Vidyalaya) narrated inspiring stories from the childhood of Swami Vivekananda. Sri Amarendra Chakraborty and Smt Durba Deb motivated the students to work for society by sharing different incidents from the life of Swami Vivekananda. Program concluded with Shanti Mantra.