Samartha Bharat Parva observation started on 26th December 2019 at VKV Ramnagar. Students of Class IX presented Vivek geet on the occasion. Recitation was done by Class IV students. Biswaroop Bhattacharjee of Class X spoke on the significance of the day. Conversation was presented by students of Class IX. Smt Maujhuri Nath Mazumdar (Social Science Teacher of Vidyalaya) delivered speech on the occasion. Sri Somesh Biswas (Retired Programmer of LIC and President of Bharatiya Magdoor Sangha and Samparka Pramukh of Vivekananda Kendra Silchar Nagar) was present as guest. He narrated the story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and motivated students to work for the society. Program concluded with Shanti Mantra.
Moment of song presentation by students of Class IX |
Moment of conversation by students of Class IX |
Sri Somesh Biswas (Retired Programmer of LIC ) delivering speech on the occasion. |