12th Annual Sports Week is celebrated by Vidyalaya from 3rd January to 6th January 2016. The program started with the Inaugral Ceremony. Dr Bibhas Deb (Former Director of College Development Council AUS) was present as the Chief Guest. Smt Nilima Bhattacharjee (Former Principal of D.N.N.K Girls' HS School) was Present as Guest of honour. On the occasion students of Vidyalaya presented opening song on sports day. Principal Sir of Vidyalaya Sri Shasanka Roy welcomed everyone and Falicetated the guests in that auspicious occasion. all Dignetories inspected Four Troops. After that MarchFast was presented by Four Houses i,e Vayu, Prithvi, Jal and Agni Houses. After that Band Display was presented by Class VII and Class VIII students. Class II and II students presented MPT and Class IV and V students presented Yoga, Marshal Art on the occasion. Motivational Speech was given by Chief Guest Dr. Bibhas Deb and then he announced the Game Open by Lighting the Mashal. The Best player of Last year Sports Week Roushan Singha of Class X ran the field with Mashal. The Inaugral Program concluded with Shanti Path.
After that Various Events of Sports week started and students of Vidyalaya participated with Full enthusiasm. Some events were also kept for parents. They also participated in various events on the Inaugral Day.
Moment of March Fast by Vayu House of Vidyalaya |
Band Display by Class VII and VIII students of Vidyalaya |
Chief Guest Dr Bibhas Deb(Former Director of College Development Council AUS) Inspecting the Four Troops |
Moment of MPT presented by Class II and III students of Vidyalaya |
Moment of students participating in the Sports Events |
Moment of Parents participating in the 200M Race |